Bylaw Revision 新舊《治會章則》比對

Current 2018 English Version

Drafted 2024 English Version

本教會的《治會章則》,2018版本,已按區會每五年需要作出修訂來符合區會的要求。新的版本,2024 年版本(目前只是英語),已於今年年初獲區會通過,下一步驟將會是在十一月的「年終會友大會」中被正式接納方為有效。目前新舊版本的《治會章則》已在教會網頁上供會友比對。如有疑問或諮詢,可以聯絡顧牧師。

Our Church Bylaw, the 2018 version, has been updated according to the 5-year review cycle of the District Office. The new version, 2024 version (currently in English only), is approved by the District Office earlier this year. The next step is to have this new version formally adopted at our November Year-end Membership Meeting to become effective. Both versions are now available on our church website for comparison. Please contact Pastor Jeffrey if you have any questions or concerns.

Memo last updated on 2024-08-21

